My art has been licensed with METcolors!
Megan Carty
I’ve just signed a contract with a large art manufacturer called METcolors to license my paintings with them for wall decor and other home goods for sale in retail stores AROUND THE GLOBE! This is something that came to me by luck and chance; but it’s something I used to wish for back when I thought it wasn’t possible. It’s funny how we sometimes close the door on our biggest dreams because they seem so unattainable. What makes us stop trying?
Not all that long ago, I started daring to dream again. I started writing my biggest wishes for my work on a piece of paper that I have taped on the wall next to my desk. One of the notes says: “Get art in stores...wall decor, pillows, purses, etc.” About a week later I got an email from a stranger asking me if I was interested in considering licensing my artwork with her company for wall decor, pillows and a few other items. WHAT?!
Contracts and many questions on my part later, I am now a licensed artist and my scrawled note on my wall has come to life. Soon you may see my work in a store near you! What are your biggest wishes for your life? Make sure you put them out there…write them down so they have a chance to grow where you planted them!
Here I am doing my cheesy victory dance! Ha!