A Little Bird Told Me...
Megan Carty
Diptych coming soon! This one is untitled so far.
Have you ever looked at a bird close by outside your window; or maybe a bird swooped by so closely it startled you, that it made you think it must be the embodiment of a loved one who has passed on?
Birds are a popular sign in the spiritual world that your loved ones are with you, watching you, and sending the message that you are loved and protected.
Isn’t that comforting?
Some popular symbolic birds people ask me to paint are the cardinal, the hummingbird, the bluebird, and the sparrow.
I love painting birds for their distinctly unique personalities, their jewel-like colors, and their spiritual symbolism. For me, they represent the idea of being our best selves and that we are perfect exactly as we are. They certainly don’t wake up and fret about their under-eye bags or streaks of gray hair. They don’t yearn for lip fillers or the newest hand-bag. They wake up and kick ass from the get-go. The early bird gets the worm! Let’s BE the bird and get on with it, shall we?