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145 Main Street, suite 202
Groton, MA 01450

Megan Carty is a Boston area contemporary abstract artist exploring themes of triumph over hardship. Her paintings feature flowers, animals and birds purposely left unfinished as a metaphor for the ever-evolving and improving human condition. We are alway "in progress." Choose from original paintings, fine art giclee prints, custom commissions, or giftable products.

Meteoros, 18x24, gestural abstract painting

Abstract Paintings

Rather than depicting the physical world, these gestural abstract paintings seek to make energy visible—capturing the forces that shape us, shift us, and call us forward. My titles, often whimsical or evocative, serve as glimpses into the essence of each piece, offering an invitation for interpretation, connection, and feeling. My work is a conversation in color—an energy portrait waiting for you to claim as your own.

Meteoros, 18x24, gestural abstract painting

Gestural Abstract Painting by Megan Carty, Contemporary Abstract Expressionism
Gestural Abstract Painting by Megan Carty, Contemporary Abstract Expressionism
Gestural Abstract Painting by Megan Carty, Contemporary Abstract Expressionism
Gestural Abstract Painting by Megan Carty, Contemporary Abstract Expressionism
Gestural Abstract Painting by Megan Carty, Contemporary Abstract Expressionism
Gestural Abstract Painting by Megan Carty, Contemporary Abstract Expressionism

Meteoros, 18x24, gestural abstract painting


Meteoros is a gestural abstract piece exploring what is both SEEN and that which is UNSEEN. Our lives are nebulous in the day to day where one moment we feel complete and dynamic while other moments we feel invisible and empty. Though this can be true, we can still be VIBRANT in how we show up in the world. The storm rolling in can change us for the better, or tear us down for a time.

Size: 18x24”, .75 depth from the wall
Medium: Acrylic ink, gouache, pencil, and oil pastel. on raw canvas panel. Spray “fixed” with UV protecting spray to cure the oil pastel.
UNFRAMED, a natural maple wooden floater frame is available for purchase for $150 if desired. Please request frame here. Ready to hang.
This painting comes professionally packaged and shipped via FedEx Ground “signature-required”, the price for shipping within the USA is included in the price.
International shipping/purchase: please contact me and I will provide a quote for shipping as additional cost and I take payment via PayPal.

Artist Statement:
My work expresses themes based on spirituality and the human condition supported by my insight into self-actualization through trial-by-depression, trauma, and loss. Dancing saturated colors and lines reveal human fortitude and emotion while missing faded fragments and negative space reveals that which was taken from us. Unique hue and compositional harmonies illustrate the diversity our state of being is in at any given moment. The chaotic human ego undulates through small yet constant deaths and rebirths as the life experience travels forward. The soul emerges whole once in the spiritual realm where it began. This life process is beautiful, mysterious, and painful at once. Soaking acrylic inks, oil pastels, and dry media collaborate on traditional surfaces like raw canvas, fine art paper, and clay panel resulting in vivacious abstract narratives that feel frozen in the nebulous moment of overturning.

“My abstract expressionist paintings are infused with a powerful sense of beautiful chaos in a spirited palette of bold, energetic colors inspired by couture fashion. Using acrylic, gouache, pencil and oil pastels, my works feature gestural marks and nature-inspired details meant to inspire a sense of camaraderie where the viewer discovers a joyful mirror to their own inner vitality, uniqueness, and dialogue leaving them to feel seen, heard, celebrated, and inspired.”

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