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145 Main Street, suite 202
Groton, MA 01450

Megan Carty is a Boston area contemporary abstract artist exploring themes of triumph over hardship. Her paintings feature flowers, animals and birds purposely left unfinished as a metaphor for the ever-evolving and improving human condition. We are alway "in progress." Choose from original paintings, fine art giclee prints, custom commissions, or giftable products.

Another Drunken Garden Party, 30x40 Abstract Painting

Abstract Paintings

Rather than depicting the physical world, these gestural abstract paintings seek to make energy visible—capturing the forces that shape us, shift us, and call us forward. My titles, often whimsical or evocative, serve as glimpses into the essence of each piece, offering an invitation for interpretation, connection, and feeling. My work is a conversation in color—an energy portrait waiting for you to claim as your own.

Another Drunken Garden Party, 30x40 Abstract Painting

Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
chic formal living room with vibrant abstract painting by megan Carty
boho chic living room with abstract painting by megan carty
boho chic abstract painting by megan carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
Large Abstract Floral Painting by Megan Carty
chic formal living room with vibrant abstract painting by megan Carty
boho chic living room with abstract painting by megan carty
boho chic abstract painting by megan carty

Another Drunken Garden Party, 30x40 Abstract Painting


A riot of colors inspired by tropical botanicals, this original painting celebrates the holiness of our souls.

Size: 30x40”, 2” depth from the wall
Medium: Acrylic, flashe, oil pastel on canvas
Framed in a maple natural wooden floater frame, ready to hang.
This painting comes professionally packaged and shipped via FedEx Ground “signature-required”, the price for shipping within the USA is included in the price.
International shipping/purchase: please contact me and I will provide a quote for shipping as additional cost and I take payment via PayPal.

Artist Statement:
“Me Too.” As a woman I’ve experienced countless intrusions of sexism, harassment, assault, and manipulations. I know what it is like to shrink myself in attempts to disappear. It’s safer when you are unseen. There’s safety in being quiet. As my first corporate boss said to me “you’re here to listen, learn and shut your mouth.” I learned to take up as little space as possible because taking up space meant vitriol because I was competition. I know better now. I know that to create the life I want, I must stretch my wings wide. I must stand and roar. I must dance and move and make noise. I must not apologize for the gifts I’ve been bestowed…gifts meant to help make the world a better place. I must shout, sing, share and laugh. I must be the most ME I can. This is power. This is the feeling I want to share in my paintings so YOU may remember it and feel it every day. That you’re meant for greatness. You’re meant to have impact. You’re meant to use your voice and claim your space in the life you dream. Are you ready now??? Me too.

My abstract expressionist paintings are infused with a powerful sense of beautiful chaos in a spirited palette of bold, energetic colors inspired by couture fashion. Using acrylic, gouache, pencil and oil pastels, my works feature gestural marks and nature-inspired details meant to inspire a sense of camaraderie where the viewer discovers a joyful mirror to their own inner vitality, uniqueness, and dialogue leaving them to feel seen, heard, celebrated, and inspired.

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